Friday, February 6, 2009


(Blazer - Goodwill, Tank Top - AA, Jeans - H&M,) 
I went to my best friends Ballet Recital the other day (in the middle). She is so amazingly talented, it is unbelievable. She has received her GED and is really focusing on her art. We will be in NYC together over the summer because she is going to attend the Bolshoi Summer Academy! I'm so excited! 

P.S: I'll be posting some of my art later on! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cow Holy!

You feel a sudden panic that forces you to race ahead -- though you may know deep down that it's all illusory. Still, you can make the most of your progress by keeping the momentum going for a bit longer.

This is completely and utterly true. Today in class were taking an exam when I remembered that I have an appointment with my school counselor so I rushed through it. Then I felt sick and went home.